(Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies)

2nd Joint Action FTX Mikkeli, 13-16.09.2021, Finland, hosted by SSAV

2nd Joint Action FTX Mikkeli, 13-16.09.2021, Finland, hosted by SSAV

INCLUDING Project organizes in Mikkeli (Finland) from 13th to 16 September 2021 a multidisciplinary field technical exercise (Joint Action). The organizing institution is the South-Savo Fire Department (SSAV) with the support of Mikkeli Development Miksei Company. 

The exercise will be located at Kyrönpelto shooting range area (Karkialampi restricted military area), placed few kilometres out of a city of Mikkeli. 

The Joint Action exercise, FTX Mikkeli, is a multi-agency field technical exercise against R/N incident scenario caused by stolen and missing orphan source, Caesium-137 (137 55Cs) which is a radioactive isotope of caesium. Various civilians are exposed accidentally to radiation source. Several local authorities are involved in the hazardous situation management. During the exercise it will be conducted casualty management (rescue, DIM, decontamination and transportation to local hospital) and multiple R/N source search & identification by use of various technologies and applications. The interoperability of the authorities will be checked. It will be a full-scale field technical exercise designed to establish a learning environment for participants to be trained in emergency response plans, policies and procedures in such situations. 

Joint Action plan:

Monday, 13 September 2021 - Tools integration
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 - Introduction to the Joint Action
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 - Joint Action execution
Thursday, 16 September 2021 - Evaluation session

External participants can join as observers to above events after contacting organizers (reetta.rasanen[at]

Follow us for more information and news from the field exercise!

Event Information

Event Date 13-09-2021
Event End Date 16-09-2021
Location Finland

We are no longer accepting registration for this event
