(Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies)

2nd INCLUDING JOINT ACTION, multidisciplinary field exercise, 13-16.09.2021, Mikkeli, Finland

INCLUDING is conducting in Mikkeli (Finland) from 13th to 16 September 2021 a multidisciplinary field technical exercise (Joint Action). The organizing institution is the South-Savo Fire Department (SSAV) with the support of Mikkeli Development Miksei Company. The Joint Action exercise, FTX Mikkeli, is a multi-agency field technical exercise against R/N incident scenario caused by stolen and missing orphan source, Caesium-137 (137 55Cs) which is a radioactive isotope of caesium.
Activities from the dry run can be seen in the movie! More will come as the full exercise is planned on 15 September 2021!


16 September 2021

