(Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies)


INCLUDING aims at creating a long-lasting cluster of practitioners, decision and policymakers in the RN domain, interacting together and with technology suppliers and academia. The project steadily manages the link with other EU completed and ongoing projects, and with existing clusters to optimize the cross-fertilization with the exchange of expertise, knowledge and resources.

Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care (NO-FEAR)

Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care (NO-FEAR)

NO-FEAR is a 5-year (June 2018 – May 2023) Coordination and Support Action project that will bring together a pan-European and beyond network of emergency medical care practitioners, suppliers, decision and policy makers to collaborate and exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned. Members of the network will have the opportunity to work together and collaborate to develop a common understanding of the innovation potential that fills operational gaps and pinpoint areas for future research. This multi-disciplinary, multi-national, and multi-sectorial collaboration will be supported by virtual tools, including the NO-FEAR platform and networking events (e.g., workshops, demonstrations, exercises) every 6 months.

The main objectives of NO-FEAR are to:

  • create a long-lasting community of practitioners, interacting with a network of suppliers and academia,
  • elaborate an innovation roadmap, with practical recommendations for uptake,
  • advise relevant Research and Innovation projects,
  • support market uptake of EU research results,
  • issue policy and regulatory recommendations enabling collective procurement,
  • indicate priorities for standardisation,
  • support quick wins and practical short-term results,
  • implement a transactional dynamic portal providing fora, a catalogue, market place and flexibility to address new threats.

Project duration: 1 Jun 2018 - 31 May 2023
Point of Contact:
