(Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies)


INCLUDING is a Cluster of RN practitioners, operators/managers of training facilities, demonstration sites, and testing workbenches and innovation developers (academia, research centres, industries, SMEs) structured in order to provide affordable RN resilience through advanced managing of training infrastructure and better integration of innovative solutions and methodologies in prevention and response systems for enhancing the safety of European citizens.

St. Michel Stad City of Mikkely (SSAV)

St. Michel Stad City of Mikkely (SSAV)

The City of Mikkeli is a “Living Lab” platform for safety & security related exercises, pilots, testing and multiagency operations. Mikkeli is themed as “Safety Headquarters City of Finland”. The history of this phrasing comes from WWII when Finnish Armed Forces Headquarters were in Mikkeli. Nowadays Mikkeli has many active operators in security field:

  • South Savo Rescue Services (SSAV) has been involved with many CBRNE related projects during years
  • Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd. runs several security and safety related projects
  • Universities focusing water/environmental/food/living/oil prevention etc. security & safety topics
  • State of the art manufacturers of CBRNE equipment like Environics Oy.
  • The Army Command (ARCOM) is located in the historic garrison area of Karkialampi, Mikkeli and functions as the command headquarters of the Commander of the Finnish Army, Major general Petri Hulkko.
  • Karelian Brigade in nearby is responsible for Mil operations and Cimic operations in the area.
  • AVI (Eastern Finland Authority Headquarters)
  • South Savo Regional Hospital is emphasising CBRNE safety related issues

In addition, the management of the city fully supports all types of security & safety projects and programmes in the area. Few examples of those are participating to projects Toxi Triage and ENCIRCLE (EU HORIZON2020) and Miksei leaded Quick Response CBRNE Team (Miksei/VTT/STUK & Verifin) agreement with EU (EuropeAid/137560/DH/SER/Multi).

Activities in Including

Organization of a Joint Action in WP5. Contribution to Tasks devoted to Ethical and Security aspects of the project. Participation to Joint Actions.
